
Saturday 4 December 2010

Bits and Bobs

I've been pretty busy lately, and not had much chance to quilt or make cards.
I painted this MDF board though, and stuck on little paper houses, with button door handles, for a stall at the school fair - people paid to choose a house and one of the houses represented a prize. I was also asked to make a cake for the 'Guess the number of sweets on the cake' stand. it turned out to be a hefty old cake... 12 eggs, 24oz flour etc... and in case anyone is wondering - I put 381 sweets on it!
Also, on Tuesday morning I got to see our charity quilts all together for the first time. Here they are with some of my quiting friends from church.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Helen, You are so talented! I love the painted board, what a terrific idea. I love the quilts, especially the one on the bottom right. I have yet to finish my Xmas sewing as yet due to a slipped disc in my neck (I had lots of help from my church community to look after my baby & toddler during this time)but I am now madly sewing away! Blessings Rebecca
