
Tuesday 7 December 2010

Smells nice around here!

Some small gifts I made yesterday, to give to some friends. I have a food dehydrator, and I LOVE it when the oranges slices are done!

Saturday 4 December 2010

A Snow Card

In keeping with the snowy week we've just had, here is a snowy card - on dark blue sparkly cardstock, to go along with the 'Blue' challenge at Cute Card Thursday.

Bits and Bobs

I've been pretty busy lately, and not had much chance to quilt or make cards.
I painted this MDF board though, and stuck on little paper houses, with button door handles, for a stall at the school fair - people paid to choose a house and one of the houses represented a prize. I was also asked to make a cake for the 'Guess the number of sweets on the cake' stand. it turned out to be a hefty old cake... 12 eggs, 24oz flour etc... and in case anyone is wondering - I put 381 sweets on it!
Also, on Tuesday morning I got to see our charity quilts all together for the first time. Here they are with some of my quiting friends from church.