
Monday 16 March 2009

Grandma's Apron!

I've been saying I would make my Grandma a new lap apron for ages, and finally got round to it today. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out! I've not done things like pockets or frills before and it all went OK. This is good recycling... the green floral trims are from an old skirt I used to have when I did my Speech Therapy placement on the Isle of Wight (we are talking 14 years ago!) and the main fabric is from an old seat cover we inherited from Scott's Mum. At least I can partly justify to Scott why there are tonnes of plastic tubs full of fabric scraps under our bed! (They are there for when I take up 'free-style quilting' - another thing I want to have go at some day- probably when we retire...) The 'F.F.' stands for 'Ferocious Florrie' - my Grandma's nick-name! (She is the lovliest, tiniest, gentle lady of nearly 90...) This picture is for Mum anyway, following this morning's chat on the phone!

1 comment:

  1. I really like the apron, they should make them now because I really could use one. I like you site.
    Helen Dooley
