
Sunday 31 January 2010

Progress with my Quilt

My first quilt is taking shape...

Thursday 28 January 2010


Well, I very excitedly went to my first quilting class on Tuesday morning, and was really happy to learn some of the basics for making up blocks. When I got home afterwards, my fabric from America (Sew Dearly Loved on Etsy) had arrived! The living room very quickly looked like this... I've rushed right in and made my first 12 blocks now (12''). Here are a couple of my favourites, where I was being more experimental, with some applique, and a house design I made up.
I found the website Quilter's Cache to be wonderful for giving ideas of blocks designs, plus very good, clear instructions.
And for some inspiration, look what came in the post from Amazon yesterday....preeeeeetty....

Friday 15 January 2010


Well after a manic December, and then a brilliant, busy Christmas holidays, I have been totally lazy and done very little! One of my (many) new year's goals, though, (including running a half-marathon...eeeek....) is to do a quilting course held at my church over the next year. Here are some of my very pretty fabric purchases from here.
They haven't arrived yet, but I can't wait! I also bought several fun Munki Munki prints, to make I-don't-know-what-yet for my boys!
I was dying to make something tonight though, even without my new stuff, so I made this (very dull looking, by contrast) cushion from scraps.
It's great - I seem to be turning into the Mum who people give things to 'in case I can use them'. I've already received some clothes for me, a coat for one of my boys, and two lots of scrap fabric this week!!